Our new trending feature is here!

Whether your favorite holiday memory is a sunset cruise or a scuba-diving trip, these excursions are what make a hard-earned break away so special!

And here’s the good news – booking vacation extras is now easier than ever for friends and families thanks to our new ‘trending’ feature.

Easily accessible via a new tab on our existing Joyned Booking interface, groups booking together can now also access unique special offers and promotions just for them!

The same as when booking a holiday together, where people can stay on the travel site and have conversations, groups can discuss which deals and discounts they’d like to take advantage of at their dream destination.

It’s not just the travelers who benefit of course – travel sites can tailor which offers and coupons appear based on the group’s interests. With this type of real time group ‘upsell’ impossible previously unless contacting each person individually.

Continuously evolving our product, this is just one of the exciting new features we’ll be adding this year. Stay tuned!

Blog Post
Joyned Marketing

What’s New at Joyned?

We’re proud to announce our latest key partnership with TravelUp, the UK’s leading travel arrangements company offering flights, hotels, and package holidays worldwide.

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